m-LAH has been designed so it can be delivered by secondary school teachers. It does not take long for teachers to pick up the basics of m-LAH and there is a lot of support material on this website.
Some schools however prefer to employ m-LAH Qualified Counsellors.
m-LAH Counsellors have been certified so that you know they understand the psychology that underpins m-LAH. m-LAH Counsellors are qualified to run train-the-trainer sessions. Furthermore, Counsellors have great experience in setting up and running m-LAH programmes in schools and colleges.
m-LAH Counsellors are :
- trained to have a deep understanding of the phsychology that underpins m-LAH
- qualified to run train-the-trainer sessions
- experienced in setting up m-LAH programmes in schools & colleges
If you’d like to learn more about working with an m-LAH Counsellor, please email : services@m-lah.org